Home Health & Fitness Staying sane amidst COVID-19

Staying sane amidst COVID-19

by Nidhi

The present situation has been hard on everyone. It is tough to make a prediction, and this uncertainty creates a negative environment. Our lives, health, economy and everything else are at risk. These times test our physical and mental strength. There are tons of books, speeches, blogs and videos available on the ways to fight anxiety and staying sane. But do we apply anything out of those when it comes to articulate it? The answer is no.

What are we doing?

In the current scenario, most of us are home with our families, have food and other necessities. But we are missing something significant, the mental peace. And the reason is right in front of us. The pile of information or say misinformation and the desire to get more information. We spent so much time surfing and discussing the details about COVID-19 that by the end of the day, we left with negative and sacring thoughts. Every day we follow the same regime, and this negative atmosphere is eroding our mental well being.

What’s happening?

The constant talk about COVID -19 is overpowering our mental well being. We are feeling an urge to get out of this problem immediately. Getting informed about the situation is different than getting affected by it. Too much information creates anxiety, which results in sorrow, sadness, and depression. The uncertain present is destroying our upcoming future. We are feeling defeated and lonely, even before the actual crisis.

What could we do?

I am not a motivational thinker, nor am I a mental health expert, but reasoning before believing and facing a situation head-on made me an optimist. Every individual has different ways to intercept the situation; analyzing, rejecting, passively avoiding are different approaches. It will be unfair to ask everybody to turn optimist and stay calm as the present happenings are unpredictable. The only way to survive this situation is to strengthen the mental balance. Physical exercises, meditation, music are some ways to calm our anxiety. But the most natural form of attaining mental sanity lies within us. To understand this in detail, ask few questions to yourself. Answers to these questions will help us to change our perspective,

The question to be asked ;

  • When is the last time you thanked your partner or spouse, who is staying with you, for being the support in this tense situation? They have sacrificed their alone time, their freedom and trying their best to let your work from home pass through.
  • When did the last time you watch tv with your kid, watching their favourite cartoon instead of asking them to watch tv? They are the one who is missing their childhood, their school, friends and beautiful weather. 
  • When is the last time you thanked your working partner or spouse? They are in this with you, having the same anxiety, trying their best to make it pass.

The list is endless. We all are trying to find peace and stability. But we are going to the wrong source. We need to introspect the way we are dealing with the situation.

Information related Do’s
  • Get information about COVID-19 and don’t circulate it further.
  • Check information only from authentic sources like a government press conference, press release, once or not more than twice a day.
  • Stop surfing news about COVID-19, including vaccine dates, and people died, etc.
  • Avoid conversation about the uncertainty of the future; you can’t predict it.
Positive Do’s
  • Leave the internet alone, and instead, spend time with your loved ones. Together you could prepare a dish or watch a tv show.
  • Try to get some alone time for yourself, meditate for a few minutes or go on a short walk.
  • Indulge in your forgotten hobby, will help to relax.
  • Reduce screen time and increase the green time; watch the sunset, birds, gardening etc.
  • Talk to your parents or family members who are not living with you. Ask them more than how they are doing.

The above steps will make a massive difference to the mental strength, giving you motivation and enthusiasm. The darkest night will follow the brightest sun.  Stay sane, and you will survive this chaos.

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