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Grocery pickup during COVID-19

by Ankur Chaudhary
Grocery pickup parking stalls

We are living in an unpredictable environment, and amidst these uncertain situations, everybody is trying to stay safe by following social distancing. But we still have to go out to get the essentials like groceries. Some people have suggested moving to online grocery shopping and opting for curbside pickups or home deliveries. I feel like this is a need for the hour and opted for curbside pickup as grocery delivery was not available at any of store near me for the next few weeks. Today was the pickup day, and I am sharing the experience with you all. 

My experience

I was within my pick up window and went straight to the pickup area as instructed by the email. The stall had clear directions on what to do, basically call the number and let the store know you’ve arrived.  

I called the number, but there was no answer. The call keeps on ringing for a few minutes. I was not sure if it just on hold, or there was no one at the counter to attend the call. I hung up and kept repeatedly dialling until I got a response. I think they answered in my third attempt. 

The lady recognized me and arrived with my order within a few minutes. Somehow she thought this is not my order. She then went to everybody else parked there to check if she was carrying their pickup order, but in the end, she came back to me. Why did she do that, I have no clue. 

Well, she looked confused and was a bit sorry, but I was fine as we shouldn’t grumble during these circumstances. I thanked her and came back home.

Take away

From the grocery list I just got few items only and in all it does not makes sense to do it all over again, as

  • The store usually has a minimum 15 days timeline to have your order ready. 
  • Store inventory is unpredictable and could change. It did. 
  • I got only 3 out of 7 items ordered, maybe due to the current situation.
  • Pickup is not instant and takes more time to wait. I understand the wait times are subjective and depend on conditions like a high volume of orders, understaff, etc. 
  • I still have to go to another store to get the rest of the items. 


Walmart grocery pickup
  • The store should have an automated way of knowing that I have arrived at a particular stall like McDonald’s do with their curbside mobile order pickups. 
  • The item’s inventory should be locked in once ordered. If it changes later, then give the buyer an option to cancel the whole order as it does not make sense to drive and pick up just a few items. 

I am sharing my experience to let everybody know that although I appreciate the efforts taken by the front line workers or the store staff in keeping us fed and providing us with the necessities. But, as a consumer, we are also facing a situation that involves taking all kinds of precautions like social distancing, avoiding people’s contact. I still have to go to another store as I didn’t get the whole grocery list. The other thing is the online systems have plenty of room for improvement. If done, it would be a better experience for consumers and the store staff. 

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